Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Lollibag, this, that, update, etc......

WELL!  I have been on this grain free/sugar free eating plan for almost a week. I did slip up, on purpose, yesterday.  A couple nights ago I made Pioneer Women's chocolate sheet cake for a neighbor who is going through chemo, it is so so large I sent half over and kept half for the kids, yes really the kids. 
But of course I could not resist.  Every time I had a smidgen, I would within 30 seconds get a headache and feel yucky, but did that stop me?  Heck no!  The cake is to dangerous!  So all day yesterday, I  just had little smidgen's and this morning I woke up with a migraine! 

This is promising, because I can see how sugar is affecting me, so back on the no sugar.  I am eating a yummy chicken tortilla soup I made from scratch, right now.....  That will be on a Food Friday soon.

In other news, I've been sewing.  I am in a show called bliss handmade at the end of the month.  I am sewing more Lollibag's with long straps to wear across the body.  This one has ruffles from one of my most favorite retro vintage fabrics, EVER...........

It really IS NOT neon in real life, my camera, bless it's heart, is getting wierd on me.  I love this 60's fabric, I found it at a thrift shop a few years back.  I also love the big vintage orange button. 

Good news:  I had Sophie tested for tree nuts and she is NOT allergic to them!  YEA!!  But at the end of the testing, I looked at the allergist and said  "I'm scared".  And she nodded, yes.  She says, it's up to me, but she would not allow Sophie to have tree nuts just yet, not for a few more years, till she is old enough to tell me how she is feeling after eating certain foods.  I am going to follow that advice.

But the good news is I can have almond butter and stuff like that in the house.  AND, we can now buy products made in a factory that processes tree nuts.  It opens up a huge new range of foods. 
Thank you Jesus!

Sad news, I think Sophie is showing signs of tourettes, but I'm not gonna stress over it.  I love that little girl, as is.

House update:  the interested party is no longer interested.  BIG SIGH....  I have a strange sense of calm though.  I can only attribute that to God.  But I will tell you I am oh so excited by what I  *think* my future holds, but my lips have to remain sealed for now, after all, God may not agree with those plans of mine!

Is that it?  Are we all caught up now?  How about you, what's been going on in your life lately?


  1. WOW! So much in one little post. So inspired by you about the no sugar thing. So glad Sophie is not allergic but not about TS. And I am loving that you are making the lollibags with longer straps! Annnnnd...I am way intrigued about your future thing that you are hush hush about. Oh, and I can relate to that strange calm thing. I truly picture it like God suiting you up with armor yet at the same time He is quieting you with His love and renewing your strength so you have faith for the journey. It is so glorious and your testimony will go before you!. YAY!

  2. Love this bag!! And, the Jess Bag--cute!

    As for the other "stuff"--big stuff--wish I had uplifting thoughts, but I am not sure how to uplift. You are strong and will be able to deal with your struggles and will come out stronger, I am sure. But, sometimes the way is difficult and I just want you to know that I support you and think about you a lot!


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