Sunday, July 24, 2011

struggle much?

I do.  I really do.  Probably more than I should.  My latest struggle is trying to feel at home here in Minnesota.  I don't feel settled. 

Will I ever see this again?

I WANT to be here.  I know we are supposed to be here.  Things are better here.  So why do I miss Oregon so much?    Well let me explain.  I loved living there, but I knew it was the right thing to move. 

There, did I explain it?

No, I didn't.  Maybe it's the familiarity of {home} I miss. 

Sophie keeps saying she wants to go home.  Oh it about brings a tear to my eye.  I assume she thinks we are on vacation and are going back to the farm.  She wants her familiar room, her regular schedule.  She knew where to find me at all times at the farm.

She is afraid here, can't be without someone.  Won't go to her room alone.

I can't figure out my kitchen yet, so strange to me.  BUT.........I do realize these are good struggles to have.  I thank the Lord for these struggles and not different ones.  I just didn't think I would miss the farm so much.
I really hate feeling this way.  What I need is a girls night out!  Thank you Lord I have one of those coming up this week........and that is why I love being here.  I can call up my bestie and she's right here, not a 3 1/2 hour plane ride away.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweet Prudy...I think change is just plain hard. I know it is for me. And there is nothing wrong with grieving what once was as you adjust to your new life in a new place. Little Sophie breaks my heart but I have a feeling time will change things. And she will be watching you to see how you react to it too. It took me a number of years to call FL home. I ached to be back in North Carolina for years. Then suddenly...this was home. It actually took me by surprise. I have no desire to leave though I miss my family so much. Change just sucker punches us sometimes. We are all excited for the newness. But then the newness turns into reality and it is easier to get caught up in the emotion of it all. I love you sweet girl and I can relate to you SO MUCH. So happy you have a friend there and I pray your kids have friends there too. I am praying for a special friend for your Sophie. ♥


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