Monday, June 6, 2011

The Move part 5

If you have not read The Move parts 1-4, find them under the label "The Move".   I left you with "THE CONVERSATION".  Hubby and I were on a walk, which is when we have most of our important conversations, hubby says  "I know I'm going to regret saying this, but......." and that is what started it all!
 Hubby had taken a boys trip to Minnesota with our sons last summer and talked with my dad about our property, nothing unusual, but one thing led to another and the wheels started turning.  So hubby told me his "plan" that day on our walk...... If we could get this much for the farm and find a house for this much, then I could find a new career, maybe go back to school, whatever, etc.. etc....  It snowballed from there and before you  know it, we were here. 

We started looking for homes in Minnesota online, and we found one that seemed to have everything we wanted and we decided to try and buy it.  But God was not having that and it just didn't seem like the wisest move.  So we let it go.  And boy am I glad we did, because just 4 months later it had gone through foreclosure and we ended up getting it for over $100,000 cheaper than it had been in the fall.
Thank you Lord.  But buying it was not an easy process, (aka: trying to get a loan when your home is for sale, government red tape on a foreclosure...).  At times we thought, are we losing it?  are we out of our minds???  After all, there has not been even one showing on our farm, but deep down we knew God was going to sell our farm and we knew this was God telling us to move, so we took a leap and bought it.
WHEW, that's over.  Now we wait for the farm to sell.  We waited and waited and waited. And I'll tell you what, I was a basket case, just ask my best friend, she listened to me fret and despair almost daily.  But she always had an encouraging word and prayed for me.

So one day I told God, or rather, I asked God, if it was his will, I would really like to be in Minnesota as soon as the kids are done with school.  I wanted them to have the whole summer to have fun and get to know their cousins again before the new school year. But I just didn't see how God was going to accomplish this!  I mean that was in April and I knew it would take a long time to close on the farm and would if the buyers had a home to sell?  How was this all going to happen???!!!

But sure enough one day we got an e-mail from our realtor saying, I have a couple flying up from California to see your property, on April 30.  We were so excited we could hardly stand it!  That was two weeks away, how would I get through those two weeks?  Would if they didn't want it, then what??

Maybe it's time to start listing the miracles God has done through this whole process.

MIRACLE: hubby and I being on the same page about going back to Minnesota, how about me even wanting to go back..?  Yes that is a true miracle.

MIRACLE:  after we decided to put the farm up for sale, hubby gets a call from a previous customer in Minnesota offering him a job!  They drive their motorhome out for service even though they could have gotten it done in Minnesota and we have dinner and discuss the position.  Customer says, I believe God sent us out here to talk to you.

MIRACLE: God provides an incredible deal on a forclosure.

MIRACLE: my oldest son is able to transfer with UPS to Minnesota, a position opened up  in the EXACT TIME FRAME we needed.  (unheard of)  Oh, we flew him out Friday June 3, and he just started today!

MIRACLE: the buyers are cash buyers, no need to wait for them to sell a home or get a loan.

MIRACLE:  buyers are willing to close early and let us stay on the farm rent free till the kids are out of school.

MIRACLE:  God answered my time frame prayer, it is TO THE DAY, the exact time frame I wanted!

MIRACLE:  we have a home to move into, no apartment needed till we find a home.

They are endless, I tell you ENDLESS!    Glory to God for all of this, for all he has done!  And it's not because of anything I am or have done, nope... I am just a sinner saved by his grace.   I am not super spiritual, I haven't stepped foot in a church in almost 2 years.  God is just good.

Thank you for all of you who wrote to me and told me you were helped more than you know!

We are driving back and we leave June 16, the day after the kids get out of school.  So I may be absent for a while, so we can pack up and ship out! 

Thank you Jesus.


  1. What a wonderful story, and how faithful is our God.He never asks us to be super spiritual, He just asks us to come to Him and ask and to realize that He loves us.So happy for you!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your entire move story is amazing and its a true testament to your faithfulness to HIM!! How amazing and contrats on your new life together :) :)

  4. Wow. I love how God works. I love your faith and I love your amazing story. And June 16th is my anniversary! So happy for you Prudy!

  5. Our God is so mighty and takes such good care of us. Don't you love how into "details" He is?
    It blesses me to know how much you've been blessed and to see how this whole thing has been orchestrated by God! God you are soooo amazing! I can't wait unti I see your face and can squeeze you like a bear!!


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