Thursday, November 29, 2012

Aprons, bone broth, blog design, lollibags, sea shells....

Yes I am going to talk about all five!  First off let me say... do you know I still have unpacked bins from the farm in Oregon????  I know!  It's terrible.  But the bins are full of my vintage decor and things I just love but don't have a place for.  I have a huge bin full of sea shells.  I love the ocean and I love sea shells.

I originally started collecting sea shells  because I saw a picture in a magazine ( a loooong time ago) of a wall built out of sea shells.  This guy made a wall by his outdoor shower out of sea shells and concrete.  I fell in love.  I have always meant to build my own sea shell wall someday, somewhere and have yet to get around to it.  But maybe next summer will be the year.

Anyway, I found my bin with my vintage aprons and aprons I made in Oregon.  I love them all but never use them and thought I should put them in my Etsy Shop.  So I will be doing that in the next week.


I've really have neglected sewing lately, because I have been crocheting!  I saw this beautiful picture on Pinterest......

And now I am completely obsessed!  This is called a sunburst granny square.  The squares behind the sunburst are regular granny squares.  This just SCREAMS happiness!  So after watching two video's and reading three different written directions and ripping out no less than 15 tries of granny squares, and wanting to throw my computer across the room,  I FINALLY  got it!  And I have made about 30 regular granny squares and 1 sunburst granny square so far.  So yes, my poor lollibag's have taken a back burner...... but not for long.

As I am typing, my kitchen is full of the most wonderful ArOmA, bone broth. I know it sounds disgusting.  But I just read about it here, so I am giving it a go.  After Thanksgiving dinner I threw my turkey carcass in the freezer with all the drippings and it is simmering away in my crockpot and it smells divine.  It actually smells healthy, if that is possible! And I love, love, love soup.  Love making it, love eating it.  So I will be making soup, soup, soup and more soup out of my bone broth!

On to blog design.  I am lost, I have no clue how to change up my blog.   I have no idea how to do a blog button... these things?  Well it's like I'm reading Japanese.  Will someone please point me in the direction or tell me how to do all this?  Or tell me who to hire or SOMETHING? 
Thanks :)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Black Friday coupon

Hello, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I did, my boys came over, all my kids were home and we put up and decorated our Christmas tree!  Now thru Monday I am having a 20% off coupon for my etsy shop lollipookiesoap.  So shop away!  Just enter code SHOP20 at checkout and have a great weekend!

Friday, November 16, 2012


Deuteronomy 6:6-9  These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Most nights of the week I read the Bible to my girls and then we discuss what we have read.  Some nights, Lauren is at work or out with friends, so it will just be Portia and Sophie and me.  Those nights we go into Portia's room or Sophie's and read on their bed. 

I truly love those nights, I think Portia opens up a bit more and Sophie sits there and follows along with her finger as if she is really reading too.  They are like little sponges.

Each night we read one chapter or sometimes if it's something they are really getting into I'll read two.  I absolutely love Hebrews and I really love chapter 9, I think it's paints a beautiful picture of the blood of Christ and what that means for us as Christians.

When we got to verses 14 and 15, there is the word ransom.  I stopped and asked the girls do you know what ransom means?  Portia shook her head no.  So I said well this is a sad illustration but, if a little girl got kidnapped, the bad guy would call the parents and demand, oh maybe $500,000 and then when the parents pay the money,  he would set the little girl free.   I said that money is called a ransom.  I could see Portia did not like that illustration, but she said... well, like if I was kidnapped would you pay $500,000 to get me back?

Oh be still my heart, just typing that brings tears to my eyes... I said, with tears in my eyes, YES, I would give all I own , I WOULD GIVE MY LIFE to get you back, I would die for you Portia!  I would die to set you free!

And in that moment, it was a realization that even my 10 year old got and it sunk in just a bit deeper for me as well, that is what Jesus did for us!!  I said Portia how much more is God's love perfect, than my human love for my daughter.  Jesus loves us so much he gave his life for us to set us free from sin! 

And SHE GOT IT.  I saw the click in her eyes.  I looked at Sophie who was on the verge of tears cuz mommy was crying and she just looked at me wide eyed with her Bible in her lap.  I'll never forget  last night. 
We went on to talk about sin and how some people don't think they are really sinful and they are good people and they just don't need a Savior.  How they think, well I've never murdered anyone and never robbed a bank and I help people so I'm ok.  Portia said, but how can they think they don't have any sin?

It's such an easy trap to fall into, well I really am not that bad and I'm better than so and so.  But the Bible says... for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God~Romans 3:23.

Last night my daughter realized "the good news", that Christs blood is available to all who choose to receive it as payment for their sins.

This is such good news that we should not keep it to ourselves!!

Isaiah 55:11  so is my word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Big Jewelry

I'm a sucker for big, bright, gaudy, chunky jewelry.  Whether it's a necklace, bracelet, earrings, or a ring it does not matter!

I just got a big JCrew catalog in the mail and I was tossing it because I just toss them and not even look because what is the point, I don't want to waste the money, and it's not a need, it's purely a want.  Besides I can find waaaay cheaper stuff at Target.

But  for some reason I was stopping my  hand from tossing and sat down to real quicksy take a look.

Love, love, love this pink (favorite color),  chunky (favorite shape), bracelet!

I love this necklace too, the color combination is so pretty!  This is also from JCrew.
Sparkly big stones!  From JCrew

This necklace is actually from Etsy.  Isn't is divine?  I love how bright and chunky and over the top it is!

And speaking of buying things cheaper at Target....... they have some really cute sort of gaudy, chunky jewelry out right now.  There is a really cute ring for only $16.99 and I am going to wait till it goes on sale and then pounce.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I won a giveaway!

I'm so super excited to get my Matthew Mead Holiday 2012 book!!  I wanted it, but you know it's one of those things you know you shoudn't spend the money on, after all you have Christmas gifts to get for 5 children....a Thanksgiving meal to buy all kinds of goodies for, etc....

I entered on Bluebird Notes facebook page and lo and behold, I actually won.  Thank you Koralee!  Thank you Matthew Mead!

You both made my day!

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